Tag Archives: First Aid Renewal Course

How to Help a Victim into the Recovery Position

There are many different ways to help a victim during an emergency, but what can we do if we find someone unconscious? If the victim is “Unconscious without Spine Injuries” the Recovery Position is designed to help keep the victims airway open as well as keeping the Head, Neck & Spine in a relatively strait line so that they can Recover. Many people have used this position not even thinking about it when they were even sick, injured or intoxicated.

To Perform the Recovery Position:

  1. Kneel Beside the victim and place the victims furthest arm from you above their head.
  2. Place the arm closest to you across the victims chest as a protector arm.
  3. The Key is in their Knee, bend the nearest leg up at the knee.
  4. Carefully slip your hand under the hollow of the victims neck to support the Head Neck & Spine, at the same time use your forearm by slipping it carefully under the shoulder for leverage.
  5. Place your free hand on the Key Knee and gently roll the victim away from you by applying steady pressure against the knee and shoulder at the same time. The victims head should rest on their raised arm.
  6. To secure the position pull the key knee further up and bring their protector arm out to use the elbow to stabilize the position.
  7. Check the Airway to make sure their still breathing.

We never know what can happen, its always good to be prepared and have the knowledge we need to help those who need it.

Just Remember too:
Protect Yourself!!! Call 911!!! Don’t Waste Time!!!

Assisting a Conscious, Drowning Victim

Drowning can be a very dangerous situation not only for the victim but also for those attempting to rescue people in danger of drowning. You should always refer to a special trained rescuer like a lifeguard to rescue someone by swimming out. The fear of drowning can cause a panic response in victims which can lead to the victim inadvertently dragging the rescuer down with them.

If you do see someone in danger of drowning and you have access to flotation devices like water-boards, pool noodles or something that you can hold out to reach the victim follow these simple steps:

  1. Lay down flat on the ground to gain an anchor point for your body, spread your legs and firmly brace yourself.
  2. Hold out the object so that the victim can grab it.
  3. Brace yourself and pull the victim towards the edge of the water allowing the victim to secure themselves.
  4. Help the victim from the water if safe to do so.

In any Emergency just remember to:
Protect yourself!!! Call 911!!! Don’t Waste Time!!!

Performing a Primary Survey

How do you perform a Primary Survey?

The phrase “Primary Survey” can be a little hard to decipher if you have never taken a First Aid Course before, not only that but it is always hard to remember specific steps in any Emergency Setting for those who are not dedicated Emergency Medical Professionals.

The best way to think of the “Primary Survey” is to think about the bodies Primary Need. As humans we use many fuels to support our life, however there is one in specific that all our bodies needs hinge on. “Oxygen“. Oxygen is the key to any emergency, if the victim is breathing but unconscious roll them into the recovery position, if the victim is “Not” breathing “Start CPR“. That means your “Primary Survey” is simplified to this… The victim “is” breathing… Or … The victim is “not” breathing.


To perform the Primary Survey look for the Primary Need by performing these 3 steps.


1) Check the Scene for Safety, then check the victim
-They are breathing, They are “Not” breathing
2) Call 911
3) Care For the Victim.

These steps are designed to help you in any emergency. The difference may be someones life. Always remember too…

Protect Yourself!!! Call 911!!! Don’t Waste Time!!!

Preparing for Emergencies or Disasters at Home

Preparing For Emergencies at Home
The benefit to preparing for emergencies at home can be infinite as we never know what could happen. It’s always good to have a plan for any injury or illness that could happen within the home. First Aid and CPR training will help build your confidence to take care of these unexpected emergencies.

  • Tips to Prepare:
    -Keep important information about you and your family handy.
    -Post Emergency contact numbers in the boot room
    -Teach Children how to call for help
    -Make sure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors function
    -Keep your first aid kit up to date
    -Have a plan that everyone knows

These steps are there to help you:

What role does EMS play in an emergency?

The Emergency Medical Services
Most common it is believed that the Emergency Medical System starts with paramedics and nurses, the truth in fact is that the Emergency System begins with “You”. There are many reason’s why you may hold back from helping someone in an emergency, fear of infection, fear of Liability, fear of repercussions or even fear of helping in the wrong way.

  • Just remember that in Alberta you are “NOT” obligated to perform any act of First Aid even if you are certified. However we do hope that you would help or at the very least Call 911.
  • Even if your nervous calling 911 is still helping. Emergency workers will only come and help if you call 911.

Protect yourself!!! Call 911!!! & Don’t Wast Time!!!

Moving A Person Before Providing Care

Moving a Victim before you provide care has been a question that almost every class brings up. Its a great question with a simple answer There are some reason’s when moving a person may be the only option to save their life or even prevent them from further injury. To do this there are some simply techniques.

  • -Collar Drag – Roll the person’s clothing behind their neck in a ball in your hand, bend with your knees and lift with your legs, drag the victim to safety.
  • -One Arm Drag – Kneeling at the head of the victim slide the persons torso into your lap, lay one of the victims arms across their chest and reach through their opposite arm pit to grip their folded arms wrist, slip your other hand under the other arm pit and grip the folded arms forearm, bend with your knees, lift with your legs and drag to safety.
  • -2 Person Collar Drag – Combine the one arm drag technique with adding a partner, each rescuer should grab the collar on opposite sides of the victim and facing in the direction you wish to go bend with your knees and lift with your legs dragging them to safety.
  • -2 Person Carry – Combine the one arm drag technique to lift the victim’s torso and add a partner to lift the legs by folding them across each other gripping by the lower leg under the calf, face in the direction you wish to go, bend with your knees, lift with your legs and carry the victim to safety.

Above all else remember to Protect Yourself!!! Call 911!!! Don’t Wast Time!!!

A Tid Bit About Emergencies